Friday, May 6, 2011

We Heart Nurses

Today kicks off National Nurses Day. Nurses Day is always celebrated on May 6th and kicks off National Nurses Week. National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th with activities for nurses throughout the week to celebrate all that they do.  So this week we thank all of the nurses that work long hours on their feet helping our babies, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.

Thank you to the NICU Nurses that not only give babies special care but the scared parents who need some guidance along the way too.  And a very special thank you to our primary nurses that cared for our baby girl Ella in the NICU.  Diana, Pat, Betsy, Amy and Jess.....We heart you!  It is the NICU nurses that help make the exhausting roller-coaster ride a little easier.  It is their compassion and love of their job that is truly an inspiration.

Thank you NURSES......We HEART you!


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