What a fun year 2011 was for Ella's Halo. We helped so many families this year, helped spread the word about Ella's Halo to others and our Welcome bags are now being given to every NICU family in three NICUs in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Here is a quick run down of our crazy year.
*January: Completed our first donation of Welcome Bags to Children's St. Paul
*February: Ella's Halo hosts a fundraiser at Borders Book Stores
*March: We celebrate Ella's 2nd Birthday with more Welcome Bag donations to Children's St.
Paul, DVD players and cameras to Children's Minneapolis, and blankets and books to Amplatz Children's Hospital
*April: Ella's Halo provides its first Feature Family Series which are real stories from NICU families
*May: Ella's Halo hosts 2nd Annual Bowling for Babies and raises over $12,000
*June: Ella's Halo sponsors the water stop at Children's Hospital Baby Steps
*July: Ella's Halo starts donating Welcome Bags for Children's Minneapolis and becomes an Alliance on Caringbridge
*August: Kids' Company donated blankets to Ella's Halo and we had a feature article in the The Prior Lake Newspaper and we also were part of the Macy's Shop for a Cause.
*September: Ella's Halo served dinner at the Ronald McDonald House in Children's Hospital and also was in a contest for Parent's Magazine for best blogger
*October: Ella's Halo had a table at the Birth and Baby Expo and meet many families who had received our Welcome Bags. Also hosted our 2nd Annual Strides For NICUs and raised over $3,000 to help families.
*November: Ella's Halo is part of the Pepsi Refresh vote and also wins $1,100 from KARE 11.
*December: Ella's Halo starts to donate Welcome Bags to 3rd hospital at Amplatz and also starts to donate Sibling Bags to Children's.
As you can see it was a busy year, and the way it is looking 2012 is starting off just as crazy!
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