Lately I have been so consumed by dates. Dates from one year ago.
February 23- I was put on bed rest.
March 9- I had a rescue cerclage procedure.
March 25- A sweet little girl entered our lives and changed us forever.
These dates are all popping up, catching me off guard, and throwing me back into those scary moments. They remind me how fragile life really is and how life doesn't always go as planned.
But I am also consumed by other dates too. Dates I get to look forward to.
March 8- We received notification from the IRS, we are now tax exempt!
March 25- Our baby's 1st birthday in heaven!
May 15- Our first Ella's Halo Bowling for Babies Event!
These dates are the ones that keep me going, they give me strength, and they bring joy back into my life. They remind me about what is important in life and to look for the good in something so painful.
So I guess I will let dates consume me. They remind me of the things I have lost, they help me to keep fighting to help others and they bring love into our hearts. Dates allow me the time to reflect on a little girl's life, time to reflect on how far we have come and time to reflect on this thing called life.
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