Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Getting Involved

People are always asking us about ways they can get involved to help Ella's Halo.  So I thought I would share some ideas about how others have helped through donations and by helping to build awareness for Ella's Halo.

  • Blankets!  People love to make, buy and give us blankets.  It is such a wonderful thing and I know families and hospitals appreciate these gifts.  If you are interested in donating blankets, just email me at info@ellashalo.com and I will give more information regarding sizes and where you can send your donations.  See the story about how Anne donated blankets in 2009 here: http://littletooties.blogspot.com/2009/09/inspiration.html
  • Books!  I loved reading books to Ella in the hospital.  It was a good way for her to hear my voice too.  We take gently used or new children's books to donate to the NICUs.  You can send these to us and we will donate them to all the three Level III NICU's in the Twin Cities area.
  • Spreading the word!  A friend from high school is running in the Filthy 5K in Fargo Moorhead.  Mackenzie and friends are wearing pink shirts with an Ella's Halo logo and website to help spread the word about EH!  If you are in the area and want to go cheer on the Ella's Halo team check out the website for the Filthy 5K at http://www.gobeyondrunning.com/Filthy%205K.html.  We welcome the ideas that you may have to help us raise awareness about Ella's Halo, and to have fun doing it too.  Email us with any of your ideas! 

  • Follow Us!  Read our blog, check out our website at http://www.ellashalo.com/, and follow us on Twitter to see what we are up to.  Ella's Halo not only donates but we help volunteer our time.  We recently gave back to the Ronald McDonald House in Minneapolis by serving dinner to families.  We also post information about upcoming events and activities that Ella's Halo is doing. So follow our story on how we are helping our community!
  • Brochures!  If you know of anyone that would like to receive additional information about Ella"s Halo, please email us at info@ellashalo.com and request some brochures.  Helping us generate awareness is important since we rely on our family and friends to help us help other families.  If you know of another family who has spent time in the NICU, we enjoy hearing from them too, so give them our contact information so we can learn about their NICU experiences.
  • Events!  We love it when our supporters come out to our events.  It is such a wonderful way to meet you and also share more information about Ella's Halo.  We know that life is busy so if you are unable to attend one of events, still spread the word.  Or even donate an item for one of our raffles so that we can help raise more money for Ella's Halo.
  • Donations!  And as always we appreciate any and all monetary donations.  It helps us be able to provide bigger items for the NICUs.  We recently set up an Ella Jo Krumwiede NICU fund at the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital. They are using those funds to buy items on their "want" list.  We wouldn't have been able to do that without the help of donations.  Check out our website if you are interested in donating online, or to find our address on where you can send your donations. 
We love that so many people want to help Ella's Halo.  We are very blessed to have so many wonderful supporters.  We are always open to any ideas that you may have too, so please get involved and help Ella's Halo!


Kristin said...

I would like to order a shirt the next time you guys order if I could please.

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